Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nijntje part two.

Today flew by. I did a lot of biking today because I had to drop off fabric to get buttons made but when I got there I realized I forgot the fabric. Off course. It's crazy how many bikers there are here. Basically, bikers rule traffic. I had a nice scenic route along the Dam and the palace on which were street performers and a bunch of carriages. Before lunch we worked on getting Nijntje finished since she had to be in Utrecht today. She is sooo cute! Edwin told me they are making little books of the Nijntjes that are being dressed by different designers so when I get my hands on one, I will put up a picture. The museum opens to the public April 1st so it'll be a while but I'll be totally worth it :-)

The dress on the box if from the last collection that Nijntje's outfit is based on.
The sleeves are the same but there are 2 bows instead of one. AWWWW!!!
Here are some things I saw today:

The houses here are so amazing.

Do you see what I see?

The building across the street from work. You think it's an accredited?
At around 5pm, we mailed Nijntje and when to Amsterdam North to bring the miniatures for the big Doll House. We biked and took the ferry and went to the workroom of the people making the huge miniature building. It is amazing. The whole workroom had a bunch of tables with different stories and rooms of the house. It's 6 stories high with about 4 rooms per story! Edwin wasn't happy with how they did his showroom but I think it'll all turn out great. We ended up staying there till 6:45pm so I didn't get back to my grandparents till 7:45. When I got there a nice warm meal was waiting for me. Then they made me dessert and brought it to me. Basically they are spoiling me and I'm going to be a pain in the ass for my parents when I go back to Boca. Sorry in advance :-)

Ice cream. vla and cake. With whipped cream. Oh yes.

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