Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nijntje in de Mode.

This morning I finished altering the pattern for the first look of the collection again and we met with a friend of Edwin's, Noortje. She's an artist and he wants to use her work in fabric or decoration for the new collection. This is one of her drawings from her website.

After lunch I sewed another muslin and learned about the importance of notching your fabric and lining them up so your seams fit. I'm usually not patient enough and I just ignore them. By the time I finished the muslin it was time to go. Tonight is the opening party of the 'Nijntje in de Mode' exhibit in the Utrecht Centraal Museum for which we made a dress for Nijntje so Edwin and Nick went to Utrecht after work for a fancy-shmansy party. Dick Bruna, the "inventor" of Nijntje also designed a dress and I think it makes Nijntje look like a fat ass. The one we made is much lovelier and I'll hope fully have a picture for you Sunday when I go to the museum with family. I'm excited to hear tomorrow how it all went. Other designers and Dick Bruna himself are all attending and there's been a lot of press about the exhibit here.

Not cute.

It was "koopavond" (buynight literally translated) in Amsterdam during which the stores are open until 8pm instead of 6. I had had my eye on a travel bag so I figured it was a good opportunity to buy it with my museum money form yesterday. It was.

Some nice scenery on the Dam.

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