While I worked on cutting and marking the muslin, Edwin was draping new designs for the collection. Draping is working with fabric on a dress form to get a pattern. Here's an example of a muslin of a Dior dress a model is wearing. Note the plain fabric and the markings on the dress. This is how you know what your pattern looks like when you take it off the dress form.
After lunch, the camera guy from the documentary came by again and filmed us while I sewed the muslin and Edwin draped and made a pattern. I'm really curious to see how the end result will look. Then Noortje, the illustrator, came by again to show Edwin more drawings she made with the inspiration for the collection in mind and that was also filmed. It'll be interesting how/if her drawings are used in the collection. Now I'm in the mood to make myself a corset dress. For graduation perhaps? Hmm...
On a different note, I've been hearing a remake of Rihanna's Umbrella and I love it. It's from a German group called The Baseballs and they do covers of popular songs in a 1950s feel. It's fantastic and you need to check it out. Do it.
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