Friday, July 1, 2011


Okay, so Wednesday I also hung out with Rayme. We had breakfast with a friend of hers form the tour and after work Rayme and I had pancakes. Dutch style. They're dinner pancakes and they're awesome. If you get apple in it like me it's really healthy so you don't have to worry about carbs (I hope you caught the sarcasm). We walked around a bit and waited with Rayme and some of the people from the tour group in line for Casa Rosso (Google it). I went home but Rayme said it was tastefully done. So if you're ever in Amsterdam...

Condomerie. The type of shop is in the name. It's what you think.

The Warmoerstraat. Full of fun shops and cafes.
Other than that, I had a shitty week and a shittier day today when Edwin told us there was no reason to show in Paris when all his resources are in Amsterdam and a location is so difficult to find. He is still doing to exhibit for Salon but instead of a small show in Paris, he is doing a big one in Amsterdam. Next friday at 8pm WHEN I AM ON A FREAKIN' PLANE TO SWITSERLAND. Worst. Timing. Ever. I schedule everything around the damn show and then it gets changed last minute and I get left out of the biggest and most important moment of my internship. Bullshit. However, I am still looking forward to Switserland because I get to be with my awesome aunt and uncle and go see Neuschwanstein Castle in South Germany with them. I know I'm going to have a great time with them and I refuse to let this spoil anything. I'll be in Basel while they're stressing out and cleaning up. Good riddance.

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