Thursday, May 26, 2011

I am not a prostitute.

It seems like tourists in Amsterdam think that every female in the area of the Red Light District is a prostitute. They are not. Here are a few telltale signs of those that are: They are behind a window, they are in some form of lingerie, they are making eye contact with passers-by to get them to come in and, oh yeah, THEY ARE BEHIND A RED LIGHT. Three girls sitting on a stoop fully clothed in front of a door with dress forms and dresses, are not. So the man who walked up from behind me, touched my head and asked "Are you available for sex?" was sadly mistaken. "We are not hookers!" I replied and he said "oh sorry...can I be your boyfriend?" and he tried to touch me again. Big mistake. I told him "you need to leave right now!" He was one word away from getting my hot Starbucks poured on his face (which would have been such a waste because it was delicious) but he listened and left. There are tons of girls sitting in front of windows in a g-string and bra with red light yet he thought it was okay to assume we were prostitutes. Not okay. Next time I'll brake his face.

Beautiful dress, not a prostitute
(this one I took today and there was much less glare so it came out better.)
Anyway, we laughed and moved on. Gerbrechje and I spent the day working on beading for a dress and Edwin and Elise worked on 2 dresses. Gerbrechje and I were weirdly in sync today as we said things at the same time and thought things at the same time. We went to Boeken (the fabric store) and had dinner after work. Since almost everyone who works at Boeken is an ass and they suck at customer service, I decided to appeal to one of the men working there who is from Limburg and talk the dialect with him. I think my plan worked because it seemed I scored some points.

Meet Gerbrechje.

When we ate our food at the Dam, there was some kind of soccer tournament going on. They had put a bunch of sand on the Dam and put nets around it. There was music playing and it was a fun atmosphere even though the weather was crappy (finally. I knew it existed, I had just been outrunning it).

Gevulde koek = deliciousness.

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