Sunday, May 29, 2011


Okay so nothing too exciting happened so I'll make this quick. Friday I worked on lining a complicated shrug that I'll probably finish tomorrow and after work I decided I had to at least get some of my crap cleaned up before my grandparents get back.



See? I can clean up when I want to.

On Saturday I watched the Champions League finals between Manchester United and Barcelona. I was rooting for Manchester off course but they lost. At least they lost fairly and it wasn't a replay of the Finale last year. Today was Koopzondag, which means that once a month, stores are open on Sunday. They had a whole book fair type thing in het stadje and I thought it was pretty cool.

They also had a stage on the main square and they had performances. These girls did a bunch of numbers from Hairspray. It was really cute.

I also got a few things including my new awesome agenda for 2011-2012 :-) I'm ready to kick that school year's ass.

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